Selected Paintings

Selected Paintings by Andy Shutse Lou is a hard-covered book, in both English and Chinese, 72 pages including 53 color plates of Andy's paintings. The dimension of the book is 8 .75” X11.25 ”. The first edition was printed in Beijing, China, 2008.

The price for the book is Can $40. plus G.S.T. Free shipping. For ordering please e-mail:


  It was with great pleasure that I received a copy of Andy Lou's new book: "Selected Paintings". I have studied Chinese Brush Painting with Andy for a number of years and greatly admired his his combination of traditional Chinese brush painting techniques with more Western ideas. Andy uses all the tools of Chinese painting and adds to them, at times, both acrylic and watercolours. His specialty is landscape and his subject matter is often taken from scenery of Western Canada. His love of his adopted homeland is brought out in the use of vibrant colours; often acrylic, and his paintings reflect the majesty of Nature and its great beauty.

Elizabeth Parnis